事事無礙 · the whole world is contained within a single Leaf 🍃 The earth moves beyond my feet I am shifting and sliding underground The primal force of nature beckons me To kneel on my honour and see How graceful and easeful Life is Arrested by the beauty of love I was whisking a pot of gold with one hand, and another hand on my waist. It was a blow that took the wind out of me Body to body I released the waves of sadness back into the waters. I was a coil of anger and resentment As I tuck my fingers around my wrists Reach for my ankles To say I see you, I am here I felt the presence of My Body Me Moving inside my body. You are light infusing a body You are the Universe Funnelling down through into this body A compressed energy Waiting to begin. Every second that we are here Every breath we take Is meant to show us Feeling is a vibration. Vibration aligned with divine energy That is cascading down into us from Above always and forever. Surrender to the earthly magic of living just this once Here and now As I whisk a pot of green powdered Tea in one hand And holding the hand of another If you have forgotten Come home here This is where you originated And this is where you can finally Rest. .·. Emotions allow you to feel, and when you use your emotional body to feel deeply inside of your body, you accelerate your awakening through recognising different states of consciousness. Bridging the mind, body and spirit is the secret to unlocking a life you are truly meant to live. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 🌕 Doors to THE VOID ~ are open with early bird prices for a limited time only. 〰️ LINK BELOW 🕊 to join the founding cohort. ·.·