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Women in my world have shared their kind words...
"She is absolutely magic. When she speaks, things shift. When she leads a ceremony, the world changes." - A
"I actually believe that the energetic grids and space you create and hold DO work and have their impact to the ones that have said Yes to your specific space... And what I really felt after the tea ceremony, after having drank that tea, having been called to drink it in such concentrated form, I was really seeded with a new energy, with the energy of that tea. I was literally conceived with something new!" - E


Welcome. My name is LiYing, a devoted Spiritual Mentor and Ceremonial Keeper of  The Way of  Tea/ Cha Dao.
Ever committed to excellence, I have studied with Masters around the world, Tea Masters in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, including with Global Tea Hut, and the Shaolin Temple Europe. I am a Pause Place practitioner (founded by Katie Abbott), a certified Energy Codes Facilitator under the tutelage of Dr Sue Morter, and I was also a part of of Melanie Ann Layer's 1-year Alpha Femme Experience. I count Jaclyn Shaw and Kristen Stuart amongst some of my mentors with gratitude.

And the journey continues to unfold exponentially in quantum leaps...



Her work has been featured in Holistic Scotland, Harper’s BAZAAR, The Sun Daily, Creativemornings Edinburgh and MYND, as well as various podcasts. A former Beauty Editor of Harper’s BAZAAR and Senior Digital Content Manager at South China Morning Post, her life has always been governed by her passion for words, luxury, and beauty, all of which informs and influences the ceremonial spaces where she now creates and guides others to their greatest transformation and ownership of their creatorship.

Her most recent in-person event was held in LaDoubleJ boutique on the venerable Via Sant'Andrea in Milan.

Powerful multidimensional woman,⁣ 

Your strength and resilience is so powerfully anchoring in the reality in which you live.⁣

You kept believing and going even in the face of the hardships that came your way. ⁣

Your love is an ocean, an unbreakable stream of life force fueling your purpose, your being and your ever expanding capacity to help others rise.⁣

There is a lot to do, so much more to see, so many more mountains to scale...⁣

And now... you also get to breathe. ⁣

Receive ease and joy. Lean back. Relax. Find stillness and peace within.⁣

All while climbing the mountain of your evolution.⁣


⁣As multidimensional women who lead many, who hold space as the bridge between the cosmic and the earthly, we act as one cohesive field and continuous flow from the unseen realms into the physical dimension; we take care and nurture others a lot of our time, and we have leading edge visions to bring to life. ⁣

That is a beautiful thing that must be balanced with an eye to include ourselves in the highest good we serve too - and that we must not take lightly. we must honour ourselves and go inward to our original nature daily. 


Cultivating self-awareness in ceremony with Tea, tending to what is present through explorations of thoughts, emotions and sensations with an open curiosity free from the ego in my finite human self - this is pure sacred luxury.

This is a place for stillness, beauty and poetry to become your way of living, beyond the cushion, beyond the mat.⁣

You become the sacred space in motion.⁣

Deep in the hustle and bustle...⁣

Deep in the hubbub of the ferocity of ambition and drive...⁣

You stand as the jewel of the heart.⁣


Tea Ceremony in Edinburgh
Tea Ceremony in Edinburgh
Multiple Dates
20 May 2024, 11:00 BST

1:1 & corporate VIP days + sacred luxury retreats

Imagine waking up at the sacred light of dawn

And dining under the stars with the gentle gaze of the moon

Tea Ceremony deep in the subliminal, as we journey into the heart of the flowing Mystery of the cosmos. 

Stillness, healing perspectives, expansively held sharing sacred space, poetry, meditation and a journey to the beyond...

A high frequency sacred luxury retreat or VIP day tailored for the soul to shine in full divine expression. Imagine. 

Let's create together. 

The woman who lives in ceremony is leading The Way.
This is the place where you remember and reunite beauty, luxury and the sacred as one.⁣⁣

I light The Way for you to walk into the vortex of stillness, of shunyata, where you can deeply immerse in sacred stillness, ⁣
unlearning, ⁣
releasing the need to be doing more and working harder, chasing, seeking for external evidence to approve yourself.⁣

To rinse away what no longer needs to stay, the ones you have picked up along the way to protect and guard your heart.⁣

With all that washed clean, in still waters within you shall see life as sacred again. ⁣⁣

If you are ready to live in ceremony, unwaveringly, wholeheartedly, in your infinite power let's write your next chapter together. ⁣⁣

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