Life is not always a breeze, and even for me to write this makes me tremble to my knees about what it could mean for anybody else to read this.
Leading myself through the circumstances that life can throw up for me to grow and expand into my own wisdom can be truly difficult.
I struggle too. I cry and I scream and I howl at the pain of it all.
I do not have answers to everything.
Sometimes my eyes are sore and red from crying tears that run until there is nothing left.
When the world tells me I cannot, I always ask, Why not?
And when the vicissitudes ask of me to leave the building as it burns down into ashes, I have to leave, and yet, leave I shall with a heart that is torn apart and ravaged by the vultures.
The reason that keeps me showing up as a leader everyday, speaking about things that I run the risk of being ostracised or disliked, is precisely this - I have no other choice but to be authentic. I will not choose to back down.
When I am asked why I keep investing in myself and how do I find the courage to just jump in when it feels right... I say this - I don't ever want to be old one day and say, oh back in the day I was so much braver...
In the same way, I find that the same reason applies to walking away from something that is long gone awry.
I refuse to live a life where I am waiting to do something I know my soul will expand with, even in the moments when I could not see how it would be possible.
I trust myself.
I trust the Universe.
I get resourceful, and I decide that it is going to work, no matter what the outcome is going to look like.
And I am proud of who I am and what I embody in everything I do - the stillness of a mountain with cracks and crevices that stand with the age old wisdom of the Great Mystery.
I release the outcome and I also know everything happens in my favour.
And sometimes, that outcome truly can break my heart.
But I know as my heart breaks, the light has already begun to leak through.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿