Stop. 👏🏻 Finding. 👏🏻 Yourself. 👏🏻
Growing up, I have always had a very harsh critic inside of me.
That voice was my closest ally and at one point in its greatest reign, my friend and guide.
That voice had imprisoned me in years of body hate, anorexia and people-pleasing and shape-shifting.
My heart was always aching because I couldn't let go. My diaphragm was locked up and my solar plexus was hardened. I had difficulty even breathing beyond my lungs let alone belly breathing.
Releasing myself from that relationship took years, and as with everything in a human experience, it tends to know when to whisper from the depths of its grave, and I can hear it, with the difference now compared to then, that I know I can choose to not allow it to influence me.
Now I know it is a part of me that was desperately trying to protect me.
And when I can see it for what it is - I can embrace it into my vortex of stillness because I only have compassion and love for this floundering lonely fragment of mine.
Even writing about this right now is not easy.
I can be incredibly hard on myself.
Interlaced with days when I show up fully in my artistic expression as a multidimensional leader and mentor, are also days when the critic rears its head.
My work as a woman and cosmic being is to commit to excellence. Commit to becoming unshakeable in my faith and commit to leading with love. Commit to involution for my evolution.
This commitment leads me home deep within to stillness. And in stillness my authentic power emerges. My Goddess merges with my human.
My darkness unveils my light. My unknown creates more life force. My devotion to The Way of Tea guides me one moment at a time to stay aligned with my dao.
So what if a client doesn't sign today? So what if an opportunity rides away without me?
There is always going to be more because I am ever evolving. I don't have anything to miss out. I don't have to wait and I don't wait because I am staying on my lane, devoted to honing my craft.
We are in an era of creating wealth solely by being our authentic selves. I am here for it. Are you? ⚡🧜♀️
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿