🐉 Creative divine woman,
You are talented and gifted... and yet, freedom, joy and abundance feels so far away to you.
Freedom to do what you love unapologetically.
Joy in serving and creating impact from an overflow of abundance.
You know how I know?
Because I have been there.
And this is the truth that nobody wants to hear - when are you going to move your arse and go get what you want?
This is not the right time.
My husband won't like this.
There is no money for this.
🦸♀️ When the FUCK are you going to stop sitting on your excuses and get MOVING?
🌟👩🎤 Imagine if you invested in yourself and in three to six months you got everything you desire manifested as your reality - and make that your everyday norm.
I know it goes deeper than the need to please everyone, the fear of judgement and expectations of others, the anxiety of not enoughness...
I know you're doing everything to manifest, to try and try and be good, to serve, to be nice, to be good...
And THAT is part of the problem.
The ego wants to be loved.
It wants to be loved at the expense of your authentic self.
But looking outward for permission to be who you really are and do what you love is going to be met with resistance because the ego is going to resist and stand in your way (and of course, it is designed to keep you safe!).
YOU have to believe in yourself first and cross that bridge to the unknown.
Soul-led decision isn't logical.
It isn't intellectually solvable.
💷 I invested thousands of dollars - and still do - to step into the soul version of me, overwriting my fears again and again with actions that resonate at the deepest core of my soul.
Of course knowing what I know now, I am devoted to support women like you to 🏹
♥ Unattach from the mind and cultivate a unique vortex of stillness from which to take aligned actions
🌀 Rewire the old programming that has been conditioned into you since a very young age and realise that YOU are the soul and creatrix of your life.
Listen - I don't want you to be stuck in healing and never making any moves to creating your most beautiful life.
🧜♀️ Inside Siren Goddess, I hold space for you to uncover your deepest wounds and courage to alchemise them into authentic power so you can live on purpose with freedom, abundance and joy.
Also, we flip the conversation from healing your past traumas and pain ⚡to understanding and embodying the truth that you are energy and your reality is simply a reflection of your energy.
Goddess, now is the time to allow your soul purpose to unfold authentically.
👑 You stop living a mediocre so-so life and begin to claim FULL ownership of your life and get back in the game to create a new reality that sets you free.
If you're ready to unleash the bold Goddess on fire within, 🔥 Apply for a Sacred Transformation Call now to map out your path to claim FULL ownership for your Self, your sacred work, and everything you are.
Link in bio.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 🎐