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Presence, Gratitude And Survival Mode

🥀 The mind is designed to see what is missing; it does that to keep us alive. ⁣⁣


However, diets and weight loss programmes and talks, which are very normalised to the point that it just goes unnoticed so easily,  further indoctrinate us to see what is missing all the time, and to relate this to our insufficiency, to feed our not-enoughness.⁣⁣


Here's the truth: if we could come into presence to appreciate what is here, a miracle begins to come into conception. If we could stay still and practise to stay with your inner voice with compassion and love, we could begin to unlearn the vices that had kept us shackled. There is no lock to this cage - you can open the gate anytime and let yourself out. ⁣⁣


The true practice is in staying rooted, to tending to this body with unconditional acceptance and understanding as our eternal home.⁣⁣


if someone no longer wants to have anything to do with you after you've let go of restricting your entire LIFE, it would make a lot more sense to move on. There are so many more amazing beings out there QUEUEING up to get to love and know you. ❤⁣⁣


To the lucky ones who have friends and family who tell you the truth with kindness, cherish them. They come so rare.⁣⁣


To those who are fighting this on your own, know this: you are not alone and we are not meant to do this alone. ⁣⁣


Come here and sit. ⁣⁣


Tell me your story.⁣⁣


Who are you with this form?⁣⁣


Who are you now when you become formless?⁣ ⁣⁣






Hands ⁣


Thighs ⁣




When words get tiresome⁣⁣


Let us strip ourselves bare⁣⁣


Let us sit facing silence⁣⁣


Let this space hold us.⁣⁣






Precious being, I am opening up space again for March and April intake for my disordered eating mentorship. ⁣⁣


It is by invitation only so please book in for a complimentary Share and Heal Session with me to map out your challenges and see if we are a good fit to work together. ⁣⁣


I don't know where you will end up, but I do know where we can start with 100% commitment from both of us. 🕊🍃⁣⁣


PS: The Sacred Circle for Your Body Is The Home For Your Spirit will be held on March 21 at 11am GMT this month. Tickets are on sale now through link in bio | or join for free when you join the private Facebook support group The Sacred Way To Body Acceptance.

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