Who am I?
I am feeling formless
Who am I? What do I matter?
Questioning all that I do
All that I am desiring.
All those goals
Constantly moving.
With my eyes closed
Still penetrates through the darkness
And in the luminescence I see
Black dashes
Silhouettes moving across the veil
Flicker, flicker
I turn to the window
Where day is streaming in
And see seagulls circling the sky
It must be their wings
Cutting dashes across the light.
Will you remember me
If I disappeared?
Hush. Hush.
Hushed footsteps.
Retreating. Silently.
Does this all mean anything, at all?
Death is but a transition into a crystalline light, just a stroll towards another place. 🌑➰🤍 Transferring from the yin to yang, we enter the Gemini season today. Tomorrow we honour the new moon, which also will be in Gemini. Sun and moon aligned, there is an opportunity for playful curiosity, for soulful conversations, and heart-opening deep dives. Is it any coincidence that this is also #mentalhealthawarenessweek? I am feeling the generous air of grace, understanding and kindness. Open conversations about less than happy days and shadows and murky waters can always help us expand our hearts and open space up for more diversity. 🕊
I would love to travel through the weightlessness of this Air element with you, so if you feel called to do so, please do join in on this free Tea ceremony tomorrow at 1pm BST, here on #instagramlive, Facebook Live, or on Zoom by rsvping in the #linkinbio, whichever that is effortless and comfortable for you to tune in.
I look forward to receiving your presence. 🌿🕊🧡
