We come as children of the Universe
Unmarred by history and projection.
A tug in the heart
A tug behind the left ear
Is it possible to hear love beating through our hearts?
The heart needs to break open
To feel love.
L O V E.
What is love?
Is there a price to love?
A luminescence that is so mutable that
It changes
So quickly
So expansive
And yet, it contracts just as easily.
We tend to forget
How to love
How love truly feels.
What is the price of a heart once removed?
Child of the Universe
I am no stranger to solitude
In serving and sharing Tea
we move in a mandala of love
Fully aware of the beauty of coming together and moving away again
Individuals who must walk their own paths, ribbons of Ways ahead
Hearts full
There inevitably will be light
Like golden threads spun from the skillful hands of Kintsugi masters
Gilding cracks into glorious odes to impermanence and transience
All matters of the Universe.
Hearts full.
But this bowl must empty out again
So water can flow through.
Sitting with still waters
With the rising steam soughing the pines in this kettle under fire
I know love like an old friend. ➰
I began to write the first of these verses last night during the Circle of Love Zoom call held by the beautiful and effervescent@pause_place. I couldn't quite articulate myself fully then but I suppose I can always try again with written words. Feeling raw and vulnerable to this imminent air of uncertainty, but also, so excited for the best that is yet to come. 🕊🌿🧡
