☯️ R E B I R T H ☯️
I came here not knowing quite what to expect.
All I knew at the beginning was I wanted to serve
And through it all, with words and Tea
I have come this far
Following inspiration after inspiration
To a place where I can see the road I took to get here
as well as the path ahead,
Winding deep into the wide open skies and thickets of dark emerald green foliage.
I want to thank you all for being here.
Thank you for reading this;
In this whirlwind of a world of digital inundation,
thank you for taking a pause and checking in.
I am so grateful for all of you who have sat with me for Tea
Who have allowed me to hold space with you
Who have come with empty minds and open hearts to share poetry, legends untold and retold and energetics with me.
Especially to those sentinels who stand guard from the start and have cherished me and cheered me on, thank you, a thousand, million times, thank you. 💫
I want to thank you for creating space for this beautiful practice to take root in your heart.
I want to journey on this Way and hope that someday we will cross paths again and often.
No two Tea Ceremonies are ever the same.
As with all precious beings.
You are unique as a wave in the sea, and you are a spiritual being as one with Oneness as one of a vast ocean and the Great Universe.
How can I serve you better? Is there anything you'd like to see more here? What would you like to learn in my next 3-month Spirit Path Circle offering so we could journey deeper together into Cha Dao?
In the intricacies of time, how you carve out space for meditation is truly going to be so crucial in these times of ascension. I am always available for your start to this practice as well as regular ritual. Link in the tabs above for upcoming events and bespoke Tea Ceremonies. I look forward to our next encounter... 🕊🌿
