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Good Tea and a good life have this in common

It was perhaps the Chanoyu Tea sage Sen-no-Rikyu who truly brought the spiritual essence of The Way of Tea (茶道 · Cha Dao) to the forefront when he spoke of what made good Tea - it was not the best utensils, teaware, or even the most lavish room. ⁣

What makes good Tea is the harmony within the Chajin (茶人 · Tea Person).⁣

No, not even the best water and finest leaves can salvage a Tea that is served with a heart that is not still, envious eyes and competitive mind.⁣

It is becoming truer every day for me that Cha Dao is an embodied way of living, a poetic expression of a state of consciousness and subconscious alike. ⁣

The Way initiated me through the spiritual gateway, which had then led me down many of the traditional mysteries, mysticism, my own ancestral lines.⁣

It has connected me so much more deeply with all beings with deeper compassion and love - this has given birth in me an immense capacity for holding space for the unknown, the grief, the sadness and the emotional streams that run in the unconscious of my clients.⁣

The Way has opened up gateways to connect with other interdimensional realms, extraordinary seen in the ordinary - love has run so much deeper for the wilderness, the plants and animals, something my younger self who grew up a city girl and thrived on city life, would never have imagined, and my family, ancestral roots that run further than I have ever known.⁣

And I suppose this is why my departure point for Cha Dao is spiritual rather than technical - for to understand Her spiritually first is to allow our logical minds to step out of the way so that our hearts can truly hear Her whispers rising in steams from the bowl of Tea... ⁣

The cultivation of spirit lies in the compounding effect of our feelings - when limitless potential as a felt sense becomes more real to the mind, the more magnetism you have for all that you desire because you are embodying your true creatorship. ⁣

This is the power of the sacred work we do in my containers. I have designed these spaces to be lush, transformative and luxurious so that you can fully feel the life force within you, to begin allowing your immense light in.⁣

Nothing is impossible.⁣

Everything is happening for you.⁣

And your work is simple - to free up the channels and integrate mind, body and spirit so that your soul can flow through with grace and authentic power, no matter the circumstances in which you find yourself.⁣

If you are ready to break free of the chains keeping you trapped in living small...⁣

If you are ready to step into your powerful creatrixship to attract limitless opportunities and live life in embodied alignment and show up to LEAD WITH LOVE...⁣

I will see you in my DMs. ⁣

✨ Let's do this. 🧜‍♀️⁣

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Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣⁣

LiYing 📿

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