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Following your dreams and making them a reality

There were days when I was feeding into my overwhelm, energetically exhausted, disappointments, and wondering if I had to go back to a 9-5 job to make ends meet.⁣

I knew that my heart was set on this path, even though I had no idea how from the day I heard Tea's whispers: "You have to serve Tea. You have to drop everything you know and go and share Tea with the world." ⁣

I did not set out thinking this would make me a millionaire. I just thought I would like to share this Way with the world.⁣

I also had Tea Spirit encouraging me every step of the Way - and through the years I had done - and still do - major inner work to align myself to what my body of work stands for: cosmic magnificence, abundance, purpose, freedom of expression and leadership with love.⁣

There were many deaths and rebirth since, and now I know... the quantum key turns when we begin to embody the leader within.⁣

What we are actually tapping into when we declare ourselves to be leaders, entrepreneurs, pioneers...⁣

... is the field of limitless potential.⁣

Once we hyperfocus on what we do not have though - the number of clients or products sold, the results, the launch figures, the figures in our bank account - our connection to that field wobbles and the bridge crumbles. ⁣

This is not a bad thing, but merely a feedback that, if we are willing, can show us where we need to go, what actions to take, to come back into alignment. ⁣

Yes, we can have it all.⁣

We just have to learn to get good at walking in unpredictability. ⁣

I have had so many incredible testimonials that speak about the power of the sacred work we do inside of the containers I have designed to help you embody your vortex of stillness so that you can free yourself to live on purpose in your authentic power.⁣

This is what it means to be ever evolving as a cosmic being. ⁣

Divine woman,⁣

Consider this your ultimatum to fear - I can help you see the truth of what we have been socially conditioned to call fear and reframe what your mind is telling you to settle on and is arguing for to keep you in the same old spot, and understand how the mind of a great leader works.⁣

✨ In this Golden Age, there is much to be unveiled in the vortex of stillness if we learn to leverage on our own powers.⁣

I am now opening up spaces for Siren Goddess 3 or 4~month Immersion and At Mystery’s Gate 1-year mentorship (upgrade to 1:1 is available too).⁣

DM me now to see if you're a good fit and get you started, whether it is to work with me 1:1 or in my 1-year mentorship, which will give you access to live group activations and all the programmes and masterclasses for a year. ⁣

I love you. Break the chains with the first YES to reaching out for divine support.⁣

You've got this. 💙⁣


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Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

LiYing 📿

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