If I could name one thing that elevates me to embody my multidimensionality, it will always be the sacred Tea Medicine.
There is such beauty in impermanence...
When we are consciously embodying the ancient yet pioneering vortex of stillness within us all.
Connecting me to the five elements of metal, earth, water, wood, fire I am anchored into the life force of Mother Gaia, whilst bridging worlds and planetary, galactical cosmic bodies.
When she is honoured as a Dao, She is a Goddess, a wisdom, a living art, beauty and poetry in motion, with messages and visions that come into formation through us, the ciphers, the vessels, the creators, the wayshowers, the multidimensional leaders.
Time with Tea Spirit is a lot about non-doing, and simply feeling.
This spaciousness to feel opens up a powerful portal for manifestation.
The veils begin to thin... and part. There is a merging and melding of both visible and invisible worlds, and She holds our hand as we walk right through.
She honours our timeless presence made manifest in this physical body.
All our senses, our ability to feel, are here to be attuned to the abundance of incredible sensations all around us.
There is nowhere else like earth to receive the most accelerating ascension.
I am allowing, I am receiving, I am becoming...
I ask to be used for the highest good, always.
She takes me to a zone of limitless potential.
She fills my heart with love, so much so the doors to my unconscious cannot resist but open up to receive the light.
This moment right here is a crossing, of light and dark, where memories or emotions may surface for us to see consciously, to realise what is keeping us away from our fullest expression.
Don't move away. Stay. Feel.
The body is a translator for higher vibrational messages. When the body is given the chance to settle into stillness, the body can start to come alive in a way that raises the vibration of your consciousness.
Then the mind gets to come on board with your expansion.
Cha Dao simply is a beautiful way to aid embodiment.
Are you open to receiving more wisdom from the cosmos? ☯️
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿