Please only read on if you have the stomach for some tough love. Remember, I always love you. ❤
1. It infuriates me when I hear a woman say, "Oh I want to do that but I need to save up money now, times are hard."
I am sorry but what if you knew that the investment - what if you DECLARE that this investment is going to create quantum leaps and get you to where you truly desire to be?
How often do you read something someone else wrote and call it law or fact and then count yourself out?
Say you look at it from a leadership place - you choose not to conform to the conditions of the world because it is merely someone's perspective. Say you look at debt incurred for this investment as a step to what is really good for your business. And more so for your LIFE.
I have been told countless times that I will never recover from a "disease" known as anorexia. And I stand here in full recovery and more. I have been told I can't make this sacred work with Tea full-time. I did it anyway and I am LIVING a life I am in love with.
2. It infuriates me to hear a woman believe she is not able to receive good things and say it is because of external circumstances governing the limitation she feels.
Listen: my late grandmother wanted so much to have an education but WAS NOT ALLOWED back in the day. It fires me up when I see women hesitate when we have the freedom to CHOOSE what we want to do to be in great service in the name of breaking generational taboos.
That probably looks nothing like perfection fuelled by ego, where we are constantly comparing with others and judging ourselves harshly for what we do not have. We are in a position where we can really embrace emotions we have been conditioned to think is bad for us and lead.
When we genuinely embrace our wholeness, there is no room to wait when we know it is go-time.
Because we have full faith in ourselves.
You are not helpless. You get to decide to choose the path your life wants to go.
It is time for us to embody the truth that we get to BE ALL of it. That is authenticity.
Come on. LFG.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿