Are you still waiting for the right time to heal your relationship with your body and food?
I want you all to know that I really am not that special.
The truth is that I fully recovered because I took the first step to decide that I am going to take full responsibility and write the best version of my story.
Commitment to devoting time and space to our healing journey simply facilitates our journey of discovery and self-love, of embodying our true nature - in other words, the authentic self.
Know that you are loved, and you are forgiven.
Your body is never punishing, always forgiving, so give your body a chance.
Give yourself a chance to be truly happy, truly free.
🦋🤍 Sending you all so much love and tenderness of heart and light.
I can truly see what it means to treat my body as a temple now, and really feel into my divine beingness.
As I become the ever student of the Leaf, everything fell into place, like autumn leaves falling onto the ground, scattered in wabi sabi beauty. Perfectly imperfect.
I found inner peace and embrace my perfectly imperfect wholeness.
I cherish the spiritual alignment that comes with the practice of Cha Dao (The Way of Tea). Never have I ever been so at peace and heart-centred. I know always that I have this loving awareness to guide me home when I feel lost and distraught by mind-made egoic thoughts.
You don't need to be at the point where you need medical attention to begin healing your relationship with your body.
Want to learn more about forging the spiritual connection between spirit and body ✨ ? DM me. I'd love it if you do. Come chat.