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A big part about living in your fullest expression

As I gear up to launching my Siren Goddess Mastermind, this reflection came up for me ✨👇🏻⁣

A big part about living in your fullest expression is that it is an evolution, where there is always another level, another avenue into which you can stretch, if you so choose.⁣

When I gave up the chase and embraced the evolution, I became the Dao. I became the vortex of stillness because to me, nothing matters more than being present to the journey now. Life is unfolding now. Life can change now. ⁣

I am honoured and grateful to have met the wonderful handful of beings who honour me for who I am, and for cheering me on and seeing me in a way that I had not even seen myself yet. ⁣

Yes. The power of manifestation before the evidence comes in!⁣

And so when you do find mentors like that...⁣

Grow with them.⁣

Jump in even when it does not make any sense yet.⁣

Be so honest your heart turns effusive pink when you're with them.⁣

Say yes to being in close proximity because you are saying yes to a mirror reflection of your innermost calling, the forgotten soul who is asking to rise again.⁣

Know that disagreements do not mean cancelling each other out, and there is no room for disrespect when this is honoured in full integrity. This is being human. And mindmade stories are so oftentimes simply this: mindmade stories. Nothing more. Nothing less. ⁣

When you see someone who has what inspires you, fires you up, gets you going: "I want that too." Or "How can I get some of that?", know this: you can only recognise these qualities because you already have them within you. ⁣

This is deep soul remembrance, a journey back to the home that had remained an empty shell inside of you for a long time. ⁣

If you can see how magnificent you are, and your mind is on board with your journey... you are going to experience some of the wildest dreams ever.⁣

You are not too small for this space. You have always had what it takes to be walking with them, to know you can do what it took them to get them to where they are now - and perhaps even further, creating even more impact, because the truth is, it only ever gets better with every wave, every generation, every class, every evolution...⁣

You are meant to grow into this space. ⁣

And the good news is, the journey is non-linear, and it has never been about the how...⁣

I know my journey has never looked the same since.⁣

Writing this as I dream up world-class masterminds and mentorships that will free women to live like the cloudwalking sages and anchor into their authentic power as they evolve in leadership, purpose and love with so much grace and flow...⁣

And if your soul is saying jump right in, I am here to guide you to the most honest way of working with me so it serves you best. Dm me or explore the link in my bio. 🌀⁣


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Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

LiYing 📿⁣⁣⁣⁣

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