🌕 How To Live As The Soul 📿
This clarion of consciousness that rings out when I encircle the Tea bowl with Tea that pours forth
From this pot
From my hand
My grip on reality
Is just like this grip I have on the handle.
Never forceful.
I let Her take the lead.
I allow my body to become a vessel of the Divine.
It Rings out loud.
The purity of spirit
A drop of golden liquid light from the heavens
Submerging into the waters of life on Earth
The markings of living etched onto our bodies;
The murky depths that are meant to float our souls
On the Rivers Of A Thousand Things 🌊
This pure water and living Tea
Life intermingling with life
The colour that is born when they consummate
Rings true of how deeply and multi-coloured our soul is.
Grateful for Tea. 🍃
Ring. 🔔
Ring. 🔔
Ring. 💗🔔
Life is calling. 🌠
Are you picking up now? ♥️