When I am with Tea ⚜ 茶 ⚜
I move with the grace of the Infinite.
The Dao ⚜ 道 ⚜ casts a wide net across the Universe of my soul.
I make the same mistakes over and over again until I can see they are no mistakes.
I bend and break until I become malleable and impenetrable as water.
I cannot cease to move with the grace of the Mysterious Light Force now because in my infinite depth I have found cold flame threaded through the darkest waters of uncharted territories.
The heart breaks when it is lonely
The sense that spirits watch over what is alive and yet can never quite put their finger on it
Breaks my heart to think about the hollowness of life not lived fully
Of dreams not allowed to be dreamt fully
If this is what you call life
Then would you ask the divine to carry you into a place of peace and sacred healing?
Where nothing is ever done
Where wholeness is constant
This squeeze around my heart when I am fully immersing in the beauty of transience and impermanence
These tears that pour forth
Intermingling with Tea ⚜ 茶 ⚜ as I take sip after sip in silent appreciation of Her presence and offering
Finding the divine embodiment of love and riches here
No need to cast away any parts of me
No longer squirming at my own reflection in the mirror
I hold myself sacred here
In this space
I am whole
I am healed
I am sacred
I am the secret garden of the Universe
Ever cycling through
This life and every dimension that could possibly exist
Beyond my wildest imagination.
🕊 If you are ready to ditch people-pleasing and victimhood stories for good to rise into your Siren Goddess power to share your sacred work with the world, ☎️ I invite you 💌 to apply for a free Heart-to-Heart chat 💞 with me today to map 🛣 out your most powerful year of showing up as the fullest expression of yourself.
LINK in bio 💞
🌠 If you're sitting on the edge of working with me, I have a gift for you.
🐚 Join the divine sisterhood in The Siren Goddess Collective to receive resources to work with your energy, spirit and plant allies to flourish and prosper in your most beautiful life. LINK ALSO IN BIO 🧜♀️
Be you, be love, set yourself free. It is all here for you, 💋