The soul knows that
To love is to lose
In desire
In fear
In ecstasy
In stories that we have been telling ourselves
And stories untold
And the patterns of another one's life
Weaving into ours.
That's how love expands
Our hearts
Our souls
Our minds cannot comprehend
The boundlessness of such an extraordinary, immense power
It is the air that is in constant transmutation
It is the water that flows through sticks and stones
It is the fire that ravages everything
It is the wood that gives us a solid ground on which to walk
It is the metal that is alchemised by centuries of pull and push of the wonders of this earth's energetics.
To linger on one's skin is a privilege
Just as it is to love
And be loved
How can we ever then take love for granted?
May we all be able to experience the union of like-hearted souls, to have the pleasure to journey alongside love in all its forms and formlessness. May we all come together to share Tea, in silence, and allow our bodies to step into this sacred space illuminated by the energies of Mother Gaia and the intelligence of the Universe, and for the heart to open and the soul to light up. Link in my bio should you like to open up to Presence and Love through Cha Dao with me. 🌟🕊🌿
