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Writer's pictureLiYing

The Art Of No-thingness

A sacred ceremony opens us up to remember the land before time.⁣

Where girls were initiated into womanhood⁣

Held by sisters and guided by mothers and grandmothers.⁣

Where women and plants are treated with sacred care.⁣

Where Love has not been denigrated and denied entry into our hearts. ⁣

It goes against the grain of being human to even think that we are separate entities, made to figure it all out alone.⁣

In the mandala of love forged in a sacred ceremony with Tea Spirit, we remember who we can be - infinite souls, living human experiences from one lifetime to another. ⁣

The Spirit of Tea reminds us that plant medicine is always waiting to receive us unconditionally. ⁣

The question that always arises is, can we love ourselves unconditionally?⁣

Can we honour our past so fully so that we can move forward with honour of the fear of being human and making mistakes?⁣

Can we cherish the very essence of our being - pure source energy that created the Universe?⁣

If we can remember our Way home, then perhaps we will stop destroying Mother Earth, dessimating the Divine Feminine. ⁣

Perhaps we will cherish the ordinary for each one, with no exceptions, is extraordinary. ⁣

No more achieving and obsessing. No more need for this perfectionist ideal to happen for you to finally enjoy being human.⁣

No need to do. No need to fight.⁣

No need to pretend or put up an act.⁣

And then, quite simply, from this sacred place, this centre of stillness, you create a beautiful life, every single day for the rest of eternity. ⁣




🧜‍♀️ If you are ready to make quantum energetic shifts to deeply feel absolutely certain about what you stand for and what your soul purpose is, I invite you to book in for a free, no-pressure-to-buy Heart-to-Heart chat with me ☎️ today to receive your divine roadmap 🔮 to ascension. ☄⁣

LINK in bio 💞⁣


🌠 If you're sitting on the edge of working with me, I have a gift for you. ⁣

🐚 Join the divine sisterhood in The Siren Goddess Collective to receive resources to work with your energy, spirit and plant allies to flourish and prosper in your most beautiful life. LINK ALSO IN BIO 🧜‍♀️ ⁣






Be you, be love, set yourself free. It is all here for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣





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