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Solar Eclipse, New Moon In Cancer, Summer Solstice Week: All Hail The Age Of Aquarius

● G O L D E N | A G E ●⁣


We are arriving at the threshold of a truly potent time. The Summer Solstice will occur this Saturday June 20, followed by the New Moon in Cancer and the solar eclipse. If you are in the Asian territories you might stand a bigger chance of seeing the planets in action, whilst on the European side we will most likely be immersed in the darkest hour. ⁣

This solar eclipse will occur at 0° of Cancer, a sign that is deeply associated with motherly love and empathy, familial ties and tight-knitted circles. Moreover, with the Mercury in retrograde, this second eclipse out of three in the year 2020 will truly bring into focus what we have been investing our energy, and stop propagating what no longer feels nourishing to us. We will truly see the power of love come through with such heightened sensitivities. ♋⁣

More than ever, we need to steep in this power and spread the energy of love, to keep raising our vibrations to meet the golden age of Aquarius with courage and strength that stem from love, compassion, and community.⁣

I am honoured to ride this wind of change with you and sit in this circle to continue weaving the great mandala of love. Join me on June 21, at 1pm, in the {vir▪tual} space of Zoom. Rsvp link is in my bio. The ceremony will also be broadcast on #instagramlive and FB Live. 🐚🕊🌿

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