Sitting on the shore
Serving Tea.
I only have two bowls
And many lips.
Lips that mesmerise me
In the way they take in the golden liquid.
There is something so sacred about lips touching the Earthenware
Of lips upon lips sharing sharing same worn bowl
Of saltwater intermingling with the flavours of Tea
One Tea, One Thousand Things.
Do not severe your head from your heart.
Do not punish the body for being human.
The soul wants to come through your physical experience ✨
It is spirit and matter entwined 🍃
Loving with presence
and living with calm joy
From this used bowl of Tea
And this tiny space for Tea
Set up with sticks and stones and everything in between
I understand now
Is not to defy our human imperfections
Is not to quickly discard anything you deem imperfect and impermanent
Scarred and dented and marred by the ravages of air, touch and light
But to repair
To allow Nature's course to mend and bend and move;
But to embrace the human experience
And smile upon the challenges that are created for us to grow, expand, and ascend...
Until we spiral downwards again to the great no-thingness for another Great Work to begin again.
Begin again...
In the temple of Goddess Xi Wang Mu
Through the darkness
Where your essence of light and a bowl of Tea are
Carried with the quietude of the Dao
by the lotus vessel of the Goddess of Compassion Guan Yin
Forever more.