Inspired by a post by @withtlovers: I was indeed impressed by the vast powers of the ● T E L E P A T H I C ▪ S P A C E ● in this community when Lera brought it up in her latest post about serving and being served. In fact, I have been wondering lately how draining it is after a sit. I remember how when I first asked about how to get to know Tea fully and wholeheartedly, I was told by my dear tea sister in Hong Kong to just start by being willing to receive. And that is the foundation of understanding Tea: receiving first as the basis to learning all we could possibly learn on The Way of Tea. From focusing on the Tea with total Samadhi, to serving from our hearts, we have to make sure we do not cloud our minds and so doing taint the tea. I make sure of I fulfill all these things before I put on the kettle. Meditation on my own fires up that stillness in me, which inadvertently, and quite naturally becomes the kindle for the sense of tranquillity your guest will feel. But let us Chajin not be so hard on ourselves. Wu De once said, "Creating the field in which tea can come in and cultivating yourself is really the starting and finishing point because it allows you to receive Tea, and then when you receive this medicine and start to become it you start to have the conversation with Her you need to have." Let us all Chajin also remember and know that we have Tea to whom we can come home, and we must always carve out time to serve ourselves just as well as we would serve others. Loving ourselves is truly the first yarn in the great endless mandala that we weave with the community and the universe. 🍃 Sending my love and raising a bowl to you @withtlovers for shedding a light on this matter, and to all of the Chajin for your boundless generosity. Even though we may not have met or crossed paths or exchanged words, I feel like we know each other already. 🕊 . 📸 by the wonderful Reiki healer and photographer extraordinaire @fionn.leitch.
