More than anything else that Tea is known for
Is Her exquisite ability to bring all hearts together
Pure, deep love
The kind that makes the sun set and the moon rise
The kind that sees to it that the clouds part after the rain stops
The kind that sparkles through the water in the lake
The kind that catches your gaze in a moment of surrender
The kind that moves your body and you can't help but break into a dance
The kind that asks of you to listen and yield with your entire being
When we let go of the mind-made construct of what success, wealth and beauty should be and who we have to be, we set ourselves free.
In the vortex of stillness, I lead with love first, and anchoring in this vortex for multidimensional women who desire to lead differently in the new paradigm has been profound work of self-mastery to behold.
Quietly powerful. No need to shout. No need to chase. No need to prove. No need to overcome -
Simply authentically you. Because you are powerful. You are sacred.
And you activate that within you and become the embodiment of that which you truly are - cosmic magnificence.
This is the power of my sacred work.
Spaces are open 🌟
Siren Goddess Mastermind ✨ a 3-month high-potency container for multidimensional leaders to gather and make magic and alchemy. We start 8th August.
At Mystery’s Gate 🌀1-year mentorship that includes the above Mastermind + live ceremony activations and daily support and more.
Open for applications now 🍃 Spirit of the Forest silent Tea retreat that transcends time and space, for multidimensional leaders who are here to walk as the sacred and own your magic deep in the vortex of stillness. We gather 6th June.
📿 If you see this as your path of least resistance to remembering and embodying your cosmic magnificence, DM me to get in or for more details.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿