💮 Judgement Detox 💮
🦋 The Divine Butterfly is fluttering about your face.
Out of the corner of your eye, it is always moving. It is that which is not real, an illusion.
Behind the butterfly's wings now emerges the face of consciousness.
Your face.
With your eyes closed you can see clearly.
You can turn inward and see that which is eternal.
The space between the two eyes has opened,
Revealing the lotus of Spiritual Unfoldment 💮
And the Rising Sun of Awareness.
🌄 Through the rising sun,
Meditation is born.
When the shadow arises,
Be present to the shadow.
Ask: What do you need?
It is important now that you do not fear.
🌊 Bring in a loving awareness and kindness.
A natural unfoldment of the petals within will begin to allow clarity to come into being. 🥀
I will be hosting a Sacred Circle for any beings who seek to heal from disordered eating on February 28 at 1pm GMT. It is free for anyone who joins the private Facebook group The Sacred Way. However if you do not wish to be part of the group but still feel called to join the Sacred Circle, you are very welcome through link in bio.
Sharing is not mandatory. You will be held and seen in a Beholding ritual and silence that is medicinal for the heart.
Who am I?
I am LiYing, your guide and initiator into the Sacred Way through nature-led practices and the supportive system of non-judgmental spaces. My teachings are centred upon the heart, always revolving around love, poetry, presence and connection. I seek to honour the souls within each one of us with the lost art of sacred body-spirit connection. To date, I have hosted over hundreds of Tea Ceremonies in the tradition of Cha Dao that give a non-judgmental and non-duality space for beings who seek to be in harmony with nature and heighten their spiritual sensitivity.
I currently work privately with beings with restrictive and disordered eating through a fluid, intuitive programme called A Space To Be Free to make way for full body acceptance and true embodiment of the present moment in both their spiritual and human existence.
1:1 intake for March is now open. In 6 months, I guide you to heal from your disordered eating and reclaim your body as the home for your spirit to live life free from the loop of dieting.
Book a free 1-hour Share & Heal Session with me now, or hit up the website for other Tea Ceremony offerings. Link in bio.