They tell me that I had to figure all my sh*t out or else. They tell me I can't talk about the woo because no one gets it. They tell me I am too old to switch careers and can risk never getting hired again because I am getting older each year I choose to step out of my previous career field. I could choose to internalise these words into my truth. Instead I remember the daily vow I took for my spirit - to never abandon myself ever again. And so. I allowed those words to tremble in me. To shake me. To travel down in shivers through my spine to the deep belly within me. I allowed them to move through me to alchemise the wounds, turn metal into gold. I won't avoid these fears that arise in me, for they are part of me too as much as my light and truth. I won't stop at the terrorising ego trips my mind is wired to do because I know my mind is merely doing what it is designed to do. I am humbled by the power that comes with really embodying this truth now - that I am never going to figure my sh*t out completely before I go for what I truly want. That none of us really do because life is never absolute. I risk it all because I know the vision I hold for myself as my truth. It is never too late to start again. Today, my mentor said to me, It is okay to outgrow some people. THAT IS INFINITELY TRUE but so hard to accept because we all fear being left alone. And no you never need to be completely ready to jump! Send love to those who cannot believe in your dreams. They merely are afraid to chase their own. When you begin to reach for yours you open doors. And the irony is, you also open a door that gives them the permission to believe in their own dreams too. 💃 Let's usher in a new era in which women STOP APOLOGISING for empowering themselves. Women who have the power to rise and support others to rise. Because the more we have, the more we can put back in to serve the highest good. 🌠 The Void~The 8-Week Immersion is designed to quantum flip your mindset to empower you to rise into your own freedom. We start in October. ➡️ But if you are still toeing the edge and sitting on the fence... Next Wednesday at 8pm UK time I am hosting a free mastermind to show you how you can activate your playful spirit and reach for your dreams and live life with grace and ease. ✨ DM me now if you want to join us! Totally no strings attached. No expectations. You have full access to me for 45 minutes.
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