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I never take this for granted

🌟 "All I can say is I knew from the very beginning you were for me and there was no second guessing! It was an All In Decision! I knew my path was spiritual and the vibration was YOU! You have truly shown me so much in such a short time." 🎆⁣

I NEVER take it for granted when my Goddess clients willingly write me testimonials. ⁣

I am SO bloody grateful. 💙🙏🏻📿⁣

It always activates something deep within me, all tingly and bubbly. It is a cosmic sensation.⁣

It always brings me back to that very first time I sat with Tea and heard Her voice: "You have to go out and share Tea. You have to drop everything you know, and go and serve Tea." ⁣

My devotion to Cha Dao has been a divine journey. Ancient Daoist sages say the Dao is ineffable and indescribable - in form in this dimension it manifests as a heavenly mandate, or dharma, a small letter dao, and it exists in everything around us. ⁣

It is the cosmic law of the Universe working through us.⁣

I love investing in myself.⁣

It is my way of participating in Life with alignment with the Dao. ⁣

The Dao lived through me is when I embody the Dao, made manifest in passion and sensuality.⁣

Fresh and new when I come through the deepest caverns, playful and weightless as the wind. ⁣

There is the remembering of my Highest Self who knows no fear, for at the highest dimension what is called fear is simply an energetic presence shown to us in times when we are transforming.⁣

Making huge decisions in my life like a child building sand castle on the beach and laughing when the waves take the structures down, then rebuilding again... knowing something amazing is being built and not holding on tightly to staying the same to feel safe: this feels so free all at once.⁣

That is creatorship. ⁣

And I am honoured to be sharing these key codes with all the women who choose to walk with me and elevate their lives massively in the course. ⁣

Evolving their craft with continuous self-mastery through emotional and intuitive mastery. ⁣

Embodying their vortex of stillness to live on purpose in their authentic power. ⁣

Creating wealth and impact from being their fullest expression. ⁣




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Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

LiYing 📿⁣⁣⁣⁣

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