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I Help You Embody The Truth

I help you to embody the truth of who you are.⁣

It took a long time until I fully embodied and exalted this truth of THIS sacred work.⁣

That eventually in life, there is nowhere to go, no peak to conquer. ⁣

There is only the present moment, Now. And everything we do in the now opens a door to our next Now.⁣

The ancient wisdom of Cha Dao has breathed life on this very Now for centuries.⁣

The awakening power in stillness of Zen have gone on to create a vortex of its own kind for eons.⁣

The Buddhist temple bells have sounded through the ages. ⁣

The breakthroughs of bioenergetic healing and the unified field have changed the way we think of being human forever.⁣

And they are teachings I am honoured to carry in my sacred work - so that I can be uniquely me, the mentor who infuses her being with these teachings. Because I can, I bring my medicine into this world through mentoring and guiding women to embody all of these teachings.⁣

The highly intellectual women who come to work with me do not come to me with the dire "save me" complex. ⁣

They have done a lot of inner work, and are spiritually attuned.⁣

What they feel can be amiss is the "secret formula" to walking the talk, to embodying the many forms of formless teachings.⁣

They come to me because they feel deep in their bones that they are superconsciousness beings reverberating in a place that is far too small, far too contained.⁣

They are women who want to transform - and they are ready to go through the rings of fire to come out transformed - with no attachment to how and what. ⁣

That readiness is what is required for a powerful all-rounded transformation to happen - to become the Goddess who is here to create ripples and impact the world in your own authentic power.⁣

I have no doubt you can do it.⁣

I have no doubt you can lead.⁣

I have no doubt that when you do co-create a high-level impactful life with me, you will appreciate living. You will feel more enlivened. You will lead from authentic power. You won't give it all up when you still haven't seen the proof in the pudding. You will go all the way because I will be walking right by you, cheering you on. ⁣

And we will be co-creating something beyond what our minds think they know.⁣


If you're my kind of woman 🧜‍♀️💃🌟, ⁣I invite you to step up and walk with me to unfold deep into your magnificence beyond your mind could ever imagine. ⁣

🎆 DM me if this lit up that vortex of stillness in you and let's have a chat about your divine path. ⁣

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Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

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LiYing 🎐⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

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