I had the great honour to hold space for Laura, who is first and foremost my dearest soul sister here in Edinburgh, but I must also mention her incredible body of work as the founder of @lovenolafacials and @joshuanolanfoundation.
This is actually the second time I have sat with Laura in ceremony. The first Ceremony was held in the presence of her and her sister - as well as her late son, Josh. The spirits come in during ceremonies in the most loving way. This is something I always tell my clients - spirits, be it the ones who have passed or those who are just not close to us in physical proximity and whom we miss - are always welcome in the Tea Ceremony.
Another thing I have felt profoundly is that spirits of the ones who have passed, be it ancestors or loved ones, never vibrate at the frequency of anger or pain. If any of that is felt then it is something on the level of one's subconscious that there is a dissonance to release and heal.
Spirits of our loved ones and ancestors are always loving because they have already crossed over to another dimension where emotions do not have a stranglehold on them any longer. To think we have to atone for their mistakes or "heal" the generational or ancestral "wound" behoves us to look within, instead of "healing" the spirits who have passed.
In a Tea Ceremony, a great reunion happens between you, your soul, and your spirit team. In this reunion, one finds a deeper connection with her cosmic magnificence and vortex of stillness. You no longer feel abandoned or lonely. You truly are held. It is an embodied knowing.
I will leave with a few words from her to speak for herself the experience she had in the deep journey we had on the dao in the Tea Ceremony.
Let's stop cancelling grief. In fact, let's stop cancelling any emotions. They are truly keepers to the biggest secret to accessing our authentic self.
DMs are open if you are ready to connect with your own ancestral wisdom and embody your vortex of stillness.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 🎐