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Choose Recovery Again And Again

When I chose recovery, I didn't know then that I was also choosing a path to a space where I can be free to live a life beyond anything my Protective Personality (a.k.a Ego) could have foreseen.⁣

When I chose recovery, I didn't know then that I was stepping up and into a greater mission. ⁣

And when I chose to dip my tubby toe into serving this greater mission, I realised that there had been a spark that was waiting to be ignited into a full-fledged flame. 🔥⁣


🏵 I stand for releasing women from the shame and stigma that have been laid upon their feet way before they are even conscious to hold them down from their fullest potential as the Queen that they really are. ⁣

🏵 I stand for releasing women from the guilt of owning their intuition, their femininity, and their god-given yoni power for this is the gateway to seeing potential way beyond what of which our ego thinks we are capable!⁣

🏵 I stand for women owning their emotions as powerful energies in motion, that when we embrace them unconditionally, can serve us in ways beyond our rational mind can comprehend.⁣

🏵 I stand for women with traumas to come forth and look into the shadows to rise out of the ashes of hurt and shame and disgust, to feel completely at home in their bodies, to be the spirited divine being that they are.⁣

💙 In order to break the shackles society had placed on women for hundreds of years, perhaps thousands, we need to stand in our own divinity and honour or highest Self. ⁣

🧝🏻‍♀️We need to own our spiritual nature and rise.⁣

🧝🏻‍♀️ We claim space. ⁣

🧝🏻‍♀️ We take up space with compassion, love, and an outlook of abundance as the sovereign being that we are. ⁣

😘 This is the vision I hold for you.⁣

You, phoenix goddess, star sister, rise! 🌟 ⁣

🌟 The time is now, queen! Ready to get beyond the mind level of recovery? I am available to chat with you on how you can feel full and contented, detect the subtle gut intuitions sooner and better through my powerful psychospiritual and energy coding process called The Sacred Way in my A Space To Be Free programme. ⁣

💎 Start here in this free training 👇🏻🧝🏻‍♀️⁣⁣⁣⁣

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