The women who get tremendous transformative results in my containers - be it my free group or 1:1 immersion, mentorship, masterclasses, mastermind - never tell me that my prices are too much.
I don't hear this anymore because I have devoted my entire self to embodying the leader I desire to be. I am constantly stepping up to the next level by going through the process that is inevitable in alchemy.
As a result, my messaging is calling in the most beautiful souls who are committed to self-leadership and becoming truly embodied in the vortex of stillness so they can live on purpose and share their vision with authentic power.
We are a mirror for what is outside of us.
Be the client you want to attract.
Be the lover you want to love.
And let nature take care of the rest.
This is multidimensionality. 🌀🤍
Divine woman,
I can see the leader, the high being, in you.
The question is: can you see her?
Go to link in bio or DM to apply for the most potent mentorship that includes:
⚡ONE YEAR of epic support (Mon-Fri) in our private sacred vortex
⚡all-access pass to programmes, group events and masterclasses
🌀Evergreen online treasure trove with over 30 classes of alchemical healing, emotional mastery, breathwork and embodiment practices
🌀BRAND NEW LIVE programmes and immersions
🍃 Deep dive live Tea Ceremonies for full integrative alchemy
🍃 A Sacred Space Gift Set with high ceremonial-grade Living Tea delivered to your home.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿