I unintentionally chipped the lid of my beautiful teapot right before 2023 came through, and I was devastated.
Today I heard the teapot speak to me: "Why are you hiding me? Am I so ugly that you have to find ways to hide my scars?"
I was trying to get a good photo that would not emphasise on the chip and the tea stains around the lip of the pot.
When I heard those words my heart broke.
I was sad for her, this teapot that has been nothing but the highest level of service to me and so many.
And then I felt Tea Spirit wrap Herself around me.
The breaking apart · jaku / 寂 in the beautiful four virtues of Tea, which also is embodied wholeness, completeness that break open the heart...
· 和敬清寂 ·
Indescribable feelings, but what I came away with was a divine download that I am so excited and honoured to share in something really special, coming soon that is going to help you stop hiding...
🌀 M U L T I D I M E N S I O N A L FREE Masterclass ~ join me January 31! Replay is available.
Bend time and space... and stop sitting on invitations to participate in this great Universe's field of limitless potential...
For you are multidimensional.
In this time together, you will learn how I guide my clients to activate the leader within with the power of Tea Spirit, ceremony, ancestral Daoist wisdom, bioenergetics and alchemical embodiment.
DM to join / kindly follow the link in my bio.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿