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A Lesson In Kintsugi

🥀 "Allowing" is such a big leap of faith when you're feeling like you're stuck in a loop.⁣⁣


Feeling like you are losing control when you let go of something you have been holding on so tightly can lead to grief.⁣⁣


🎆 How do you let go without spending more years in the wilderness relapsing over and over again?⁣⁣


I have a suggestion. 🧝🏻‍♀️⁣⁣


When you allow yourself to supplant one disordered eating behaviour with one feel-good action, you are choosing a different route. ⁣⁣


🌟 A different way of doing something always yields a different result.⁣⁣


You just got to keep choosing different options to your disordered eating by remembering why it is worth the present pain and discomfort.⁣⁣


🗝 This is the key. And this is all there is.⁣⁣


Oh how gorgeous and worthwhile it is because when you break through this phase, recovery is possible, and it is possible for good.⁣⁣


🙆🏻‍♀️ I've seen it. I've been there.⁣⁣


But first, you must be willing to cross the deepest crevices, to delve into the void, to even, stay there, in the frightening dark, until you see the gift this darkness truly is. ✨⁣⁣


And then keep reminding yourself why this journey is so damn worth it all.⁣⁣


🌠 And when you do, that is when you see the light through the cracks. The one drop of golden liquid light that will continue to leak through the cracks and fill in those parts with priceless treasures you will carry with you for life, knowing you have uplevelled, that you have come even closer to your true cosmic nature.⁣⁣


💛 Like Kintsugi - highlighting the imperfections with honour. these usually come in the brilliance of gold.⁣⁣


🌑 We spend most of our lives covering up our not-so-greatness, not realising at first how this can lead to the demise of our greatness. ⁣⁣


🕊 And this journey through our daily lives is all that we really have. This present moment is really all that we truly have.⁣⁣


Whatever that is happening that feels hard, I want you to know that it is happening for you, not to you.⁣⁣


Day by day, honour that perfect, artful imperfection that is you. We are all made of cosmic light, of cosmic fire - prajna,  qi.🕯⁣⁣


Honour the day with your own presence. Promise to do something different from the old mentality, and then slowly, you will begin to enjoy the journey and let go of the need to arrive somewhere, to get somewhere, to look something. ⁣⁣


🌟 What can you take out of your life to simplify your sensorial experience so you can enjoy (*key word enjoy*) total presence when you are eating?⁣⁣


🌟 Which part of your body feels it when you are in a negative state? ⁣⁣


💗 We can learn to breathe through it, not abandon or bury it. By breathing through our pain and shadows we are signalling to our ego self That we are no longer hiding, no longer ashamed. ⁣⁣


💗 We can learn to believe in our wholeness -that we already are perfect and whole. Yes, we continue to break apart and lose something, only to gain more freedom and expand evermore into our true nature. ⁣⁣


💃 So, gorgeous humans, my 6-month programme A Space To Be Free intake is open if you are resonating. 🤗🌠🥳⁣⁣⁣


🕊 If you would like to go on a sacred journey of disordered eating recovery without relapsing and spending years in therapy, you can book in a free Share & Heal Session with me after watching this free training here. Limited spots because it is powerfully centred upon 1:1 sessions and unconditional faith + love 🤍💫⁣

What are you waiting for? 😌🍃👇🏻⁣⁣⁣




Warmest Love,⁣⁣


LiYing 💗⁣⁣

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