Dear one, If you say to me you hate yourself, know that I do not believe you. If you say to me that you hate your body I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I have walked many strayed paths to come to you here and now To tell you that life is beautiful. I am lost for words to say how beautiful and ephemeral this moment and the next can be That that is the beauty that is found in the profound silence that permeates your body. Are you afraid of that silence? Are you busy filling in the gaps in between? The outer world would have you believe that is what you should do. But I am here to tell you If you say to me you hate yourself If you say to me you hate your body What you are hating is a subconscious surrender of will you did not even know you have given away To the power outside of you A disembodying, disenchanting power. If you are wiling to come walk with me down this gentle slope this curving hill down your spine. See how we moved with ease when we let Presence guide us? See how the little steps we take can make a difference? Because the time is now and ever forever now. To own your home, this body that is the home for your spirit. Your spirit has lost her anchor for far too long. If you have always felt that something is amiss, This is it. Close your eyes to really see These golden interweb of veins within your body These muscles and sinews that hold up the foundations of your body This stomach that stores energy and fills you with the warmth of safety These lungs that draw magic from air This heart that pumps passion and love into your every fibre If only you could trace the map of your body and see the incredible history and workings of you Yes, you. You, the amazing precious being like no other. The one and only You. Your disordered relationship with food and body is your greatest gift. 🕊🪶🤍 I am looking for 5 ready to make way for full body acceptance and true embodiment in both spiritual and human existence. If this sounds like you, book in for a complimentary Share and Heal Session with me. link in bio. 🍃
