The most integrative way to break subconscious self-sabotage & embody your Highest Self is also part of the truest heartfelt Art expressed through The Way.
Indeed, an affinity between the Way of spirits and creative artistic expressions is nothing new - and it does not take a lot of cloud walking to work with this liminal space. What it does take is understanding the ebbs and flows of both our yin and yang ☯️ the earthly forces of our subconscious and unconscious, and the cosmos that is compressing and funnelling down this channel that is YOU.
You are the channel.
You are the creatress of your life.
I hope this message reaches you in divine timing because we all truly can find a place here on Earth. We came here to create ✨ in our unique divine ways. No one is the same. There is so much to go around.
To stop cancelling each other, we have to start within. Let's stop cancelling our emotions.
It is time to reclaim our authentic power as a cosmic being here living a human experience - and know this: you are meant to be cosmic AND human, all at the same time.
If this is something you're ready to explore, let's connect in my DMs. Every being is unique, and that's what my free sacred transformation call is here to fulfil.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 🎐