There is something we don't talk about enough as creative feminine leaders - and that is the days when we have lost our sense of purpose.
Now, I have a deep juicy knowing in my belly that rises into my heart that something good was happening in transition.
But it has not always been that way.
If you feel like life has lost its fire...
If you are wondering what your soul purpose is...
Know that desire comes hand in hand with fear.
I have definitely had days when waking up, my heart would be gripped by coiling fear because I could feel the emptiness - unmotivated, no flow, questions, only questions.
Then there is the need to quickly overcome this because I have to show up for my audience.
Add to that a dash of neediness to make bank and hit the goals for number of clients - and shame when I don't make the goals.
I was beating myself up for ending up here again - I thought I should know better by now!
But this time, I was not going to stay in this shaming and blaming game for long because I have the support of mentors, teachers and...
My Highest Self, as Tea Spirit reminds me of that truth every single time I come into ceremony.
Tea Spirit has walked with me since day one this lifetime, and I have no doubt, many lifetimes before.
She crossed paths with me and called me in during a time when I was lost and disillusioned with my purpose.
Once again, She showed me in ceremony as we travelled down the alchemical journey into the darkest realms to meet my deepest fears and wounds, that I had unconsciously wrought my self-worth around the metrics.
While it was the number on the scale for me when I was anorexic, it was the number of clients and in my bank account this time around.
I grew up in a culture that put money first at the sacrifice of everything else.
I could focus on all of my ancestral and cultural wounds - instead, I chose to take my ancestors' strength and my parents' guidance and truly own every single part of them as me - thus reclaiming my power.
And Tea has shown me the meaning of faith.
It is feeling without seeing.
It is believing in it all even without any proof (yet).
In ceremony, you can be with your Highest Self and uncertainty, alchemising pain into purpose.
The decision to stop running away from your deepest fears and really embody your limitless potential is yours. Are you claiming it?
🔮✨ If you are a creative feminine leader ready to lead with heart and live on purpose in true authentic power, apply for a Sacred Transformation Call 📲 ☎️ now to explore working together to activate your highest potential.
❤ Claim your partial scholarship valued at £2,000 when you book in for a call in the next 24 hours and say yes. 👑
I don't do pushy sales so if it is a no, all good. The scholarship will be offered to the next best candidate.
Link in bio.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 🎐