I am the unconscious mind.
I am joy.
I am sadness.
I am love.
I am a broken heart.
I am a heart.
I am breaking the pattern.
I am breaking apart.
I am breaking open.
I am who I say I am - and yet -
No, not really
I am who I am not saying I am.
For fate is when you realise you are living unconsciously
For you believe you have to minimalise your feelings,
And if you ever were told that you have to lower your expectations
So to avoid disappointment
Then I am sorry because I was you.
I have been there
And I see you.
But do you know
How the world can shine in your eyes
If you dare to open your eyelids
Flick those glittering irises up to see the skies
Feel the winds caress your cheek.
We are all spiritual beings who have chosen to come to Earth
Whether you remember this soul of yours
Doesn't matter.
We all have free will
To forget
To re-
So will you float through the liminal
Sublimating your self
Or will you -
Walk through the precious forests with the light you brought from the stars of the galaxy
And breathe -
Breathe love
Breathe selflessness
Breathe peace
Breathe consciousness
Breathe -
🧡🌿🤍 ※
My precious beings, how are you? What are you grateful for today? 🙏
