There is something about travelling alone that I love.
The unknown events that are to unfurl before me as I traipse along;
To see how this journey can expand my heart and soul.
This journey back to my homeland has felt heavy.
This homeland that I have always sought to escape.
This homeland that I have never felt I belong.
Edinburgh was a soul space that I took to like fish in the water;
The veils so thin I can call in my spirit guides so effortlessly.
Connection with Nature brings us back to the centre of our hearts.
I see now how that could be taken for granted so easily;
The way we can take ease for granted until we are thrown a curveball.
My body was wracking with tears
My heart wrenching at the silence meeting me upon my arrival.
Rain is falling
The kind of afternoon storm that my homeland is used to seeing every day.
The divine Tea Spirit whispers through these New bowls, this new pot.
Gratitude seeps into my cells
Nothing is ever lost when we turn our thoughts off and return to feeling into this heart
This soul that is not lost.
Though the heart may cry silent tears
Nothing is ever lost
Not even in the absence of physical love.
When I live with Spirit
When 神 · Spirit · is in my heart
I know I am not my thoughts.
The heart always knows
What is needed to save our souls.
When Cha is drank with Dao
We become a part of a vast knowing
A deep connection with the Universe
So that no matter where we are in this world
We stay still; we stay in touch with Source
We can receive in humility and reverence.
We are never lost when we listen to still waters speak...
Ever so grateful for Cha Dao, a daily practice that lands me softly whenever I feel like I am billowing around in the winds of change. I am almost all set up in my temporary new space, and would love to see your lovely faces again as I live in isolation in this extraordinary time. Join me this Sunday at 10.30am BST to Expand Your Awareness. Developing your receptivity to the Dao is a beautiful soul practice to navigating life's manifold ways in the flow of the Universe. Link to register is here. 🌊🧡
