I am multidimensional because...
I can be sad and still lead with love.
I can be in chaos and still be the vortex of stillness.
I can be grieving and choose to feel joy in little moments.
I can be a mentor and a student.
I can be a woman and a little girl who still wants to be seen.
I can be connected to the divine and sacred, and feel so human all at the same time.
I get to have a mentor and a friend in the same person.
I get to choose to hire more than one mentor because each person is so unique and appeals to my multidimensionality.
I get to be hired as a mentor by someone who has just seen my work and followed her soul's whispers, and be hired by someone who has followed my work for a long time.
I get to be serious and funny.
I get to know a lot and don't know at all.
I can relate to something so much, and then find I can no longer relate later down the line.
I am the creator creating this creation.
We are the wave and the particle.
We are multidimensional.
Multidimensional woman,
You are now being called forth.
Will you answer the call?
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿