♍ Oh Virgo season. You are definitely swinging in with a bang. I am critically picking myself apart at the moment of writing and feeling the intensity of all the vagaries of life come right up to the surface.
You know that feeling like everything to which you have been holding on so tightly, so ardently, so passionately, is setting adrift despite your best intentions?
I do not know what caused this feeling to arise, but I do know my fingers are coming away from this tight grip, thoughts like what does it matter anyway falling onerous on me.
Sitting with Spirit today with Tea I keep hearing,
☯️ Own your power. ☯️
💫 Be the star of your own show.
🍃 Walk with your head held high in the knowing that you are supported, you are magnetic, you are sending out so much light that is needed now on this earth.
🌊 Look back at how far you have come, how much you have achieved. And see the vision and feel the achievements now even before you realise them.
⚡ Flip the switch. Change your narrative. And see how the Universe is always working behind the scenes to make it happen for you.