We can stand here all day arguing about what the real definition of fatphobia is,
Talk all day about how crappy and prevalent diet culture is all around us,
Exhort others to stop commenting about our weight, our looks, our body etc etc...
Or get to work. 🔥
Get to work on why you are feeling this struggle, this constant imprisonment, this self-destructive need to contend and improve;
Why all your bloody attention is given over to your obsession with getting it right with your food and disappearing into sullen silence as you waste your body away.
Get to work on how we can come to our 👏🏻 own 👏🏻 true 👏🏻 magnificence 👏🏻.
There is no time to lose.
How do you want your life to be remembered when you're on your last breath?
I bet it isn't "I wish I had not stuffed that extra calorie into my body."
I am so done with seeing women hiding and shirking from their fullest glory, starving away into non-existence, thinking that this is the road to acceptance and love.
F**K hiding your real self, I say!
If you are struggling with constant, endless guilt from eating something you deem "naughty" or "bad for you", or a "little too much today" and you are condemning your body to starve or purge, this goes out to you.
Yes you can save your memes and affirmations and AMEN to that IG/FB Post about all the good stuff, but I am here to tell you something that is going to expand your reality and blow your mental blocks out of the field.
I am done with talking and talking about the endlessly surface things you get upon recovery.
I want you to see beyond where you are, and the only way you can is when someone else shows you.
Because let's face it, the reason you're making the same decision and falling short over and over again is because you are making every decision based on where you are, instead of where you want to be - where you CAN be, beyond what your mind/Protective Personality/Ego can ever imagine.
🕊 If you're ready to break the cycle of disordered eating for good - the endless dieting, starving and bingeing, shame and guilt, once and for all...
I invite you to book in a call now.
💝 https://go.whenstillwatersspeak.com/6-program-info-page1615217527953 🌟